Gong Kebyar Bali

by Developer Receh



Gamelan gong Kebyar the type or types of gamelan music is most commonly available and most often sta...

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Gamelan gong Kebyar the type or types of gamelan music is most commonly available and most often staged in Bali. Physically Gong Kebyar is a simplification of Gong Gede with a reduction in the role or reduction of some fruit instrument. The word literally means Kebyar quickly, suddenly, and hard; reflect the type of gamelan gong Kebyar very dynamic, hard, and has a fast tempo. [3] Gamelan gong Kebyar has five basic tones called barrel pelog namely: nding, Ndong, ndeng, ndung, and ndang.Gamelan gong Kebyar as the art of traditional Balinese music in the history of the written chronicle of Bali, gong Kebyar expected to appear in Singaraja in 1915.Village mention as the origin of the appearance of Gong Kebyar is Jagaraga (Buleleng) who also started the tradition of dance Kebyar.There is also other information that says that Gong Kebyar first appeared in the village Bungkulan (Buleleng). Art developments Kebyar Gong reaches one peak in 1925 with the arrival of a dancer Jauk named Ketut Mario from Tabanan are creating a dance Kebyar Sit or Kebyar Trompong.Kebyar Gamelan Gong Gede sourced from,Sourced from gamelan palegongan.Pure new artificial.The first has embat corresponding to embat gamelan gong gede is somewhat lower as numerous in North Bali. a second group embat equal to embat gamelan palegongan (source) that is somewhat high as the most likely in the southern part of Bali, gamelans Kebyar pure new artificial mostly air-embat being as found in various regions of Bali and outside Bali , This fact shows that there is no standardization embat for Kebyar Gamelan in Bali.Also Named gong Kebyar, according to excerpts ekadarmaputra blog entry in the ISI, Gong Kebyar sounded for the first time caused tremendous shock. People have become stunned and cattle which were tied in the fields and in the cage apart and ran helter-skelter.Also mentioned in the blog entry, gong Kebyar a wasp together and simultaneously followed by almost all the devices except tungguhan tungguhan on flute, Kajar, fiddle, kempul, bebende kemong, Kajar and Terompong.Kebyar shape is one part of a whole gending location can be at the front, in the middle or at the end. Kebyar wasp type is often used in dance and percussion accompaniment petegak (instrumental). Therefore Kebyar has the feel of a very dynamic, hard with the hope that with the Kebyar to evoke the spirit.Structure Gong KebyarGong Kebyar is one device / barungan gambelan Bali consisting of five tones (five tones) with the barrel pelog, but each instrument consists of ten blades.Gong Kebyar for the Balinese people are already familiar, since almost all villages and hamlets in Bali have one device / barungan Gong Kebyar.Therefore gong Kebyar become one barungan gambelan relatively new when compared with other types of gambelan that exist today such as, for example, gambelan Xylophone, Gong Gde, slonding, Semara Pegulingan and many others.Barungan gong Kebyar consists of:Two (tungguh) pengugal / giyingFour (tungguh) pemade / GansaFour (tungguh) KantilanTwo (tungguh) jublagTwo (tungguh) PenyacahTwo (tungguh) jegogganOne fruit (tungguh) reong / riyongOne fruit (tungguh) TerompongOne pair of gongs lanang wadonOne fruit kempurOne kemong hanging fruitOne fruit bebendeOne fruit kempliOne fruit (pangkon) molasses-syrup ricikOne pair of drum lanang wadonOne fruit Kajar